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Shake Up Your Life 2023 – Shake your way to a healthy digestion.

Personal reflections for Shake 3 

Shake your way to a healthy digestion.

Tension affects my body in many ways, and one of the ways it hits me is definitely in my plumbing: When I’m anxious I can’t go; when I’m upset and especially when I’m angry, I often wind up having to go more often and the experience is…well, unpleasant in a number of ways. Hardly surprising, to my mind, given that our whole system is involved in how we ‘digest’ ideas and experiences that we encounter from day to day.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though. I’ve found that doing a shake to give my body a chance to release the stresses caused by the different kinds of upset, whether I talk things through or not during or after, supports that the physical discomfort is much reduced and my body follows its natural rhythms for digesting that support my having a sense of wellness.

The benefits to how my thought processes change to be more open to possibilities and, when I am feeling less beleaguered and threatened, more willing to be compassionate towards the circumstances of others are also invaluable. Over time, the experience that I can find a way through for myself that also supports others in what they want to create for themselves without feeling deprived in the process has helped me to develop greater resilience. I now believe that there is nothing that can happen that I cannot break down into manageable parts so that I can still create experiences that are valuable to me and those around me. I have also learned that I don’t have to let someone else’s inability to digest their own circumstances create similar digestive difficulties for me. 

What have you noticed about how tension and upset affects your body? How do you care for yourself when these symptoms show up? What have you learned from finding more self-supportive ways to bring yourself to the other side of apparent crises? 

If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with.

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.


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Shake Up Your Life 2023 – Starting something new? Shake to get set to go all out and win!

Personal reflections for Shake 02 – (Starting something new? Shake to get set to go all out and win!)

Aside from narratives I had about time and opportunity, I also have many – many – narratives about my capabilities and capacities. Or my lack thereof, really. These inner assessments and judgements and – let’s call them by their real name – FEARS actually are not reflections of the truth at all. While I am not perfect in many ways, I am not the incompetent, incapable noob that my fears would have me think I am. And it’s usually when I want to start something new that I am excited about, the fears sound louder than ever and throw at me all my memories of failure, embarrassment and humiliation. 

When the voices threaten to overwhelm me, shaking off all the tension brought on by the fear as well as residual tension from past failures or bad experiences helps get rid of the tightness in my throat that mutes me, and of the constriction in my chest that makes it hard for me to breathe deeply into my belly to resource myself and to stoke the fire of passion and conviction I know is there when I think about all the things I wish to create. 

And after the shake, in the quiet, resting moments of integration, there is a calm that shows me how the storm really is a matter of perception: It is a day like any other day. It isn’t my first rodeo trying something new or something different and I know that whatever happens, because I believe in what I do, I will find a way through; if I fall, I will find the strength to pick myself up because it is what I have done before. 

Doing TRE helps me uncover the strength I already have inside of me, to reconnect with the certainty that I want to proceed because I believe in my vision. What helps you reconnect to your purpose when things feel overwhelming? What practices do you have for giving yourself shelter when you feel like you’re caught in a storm? What reminds you that you actually are stronger, wiser and more loving than your fears would have you believe? 

If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with. 

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.

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Shake Up Your Life 2023 – Shake in a CAN-DO attitude

Personal reflections for Shake 01 

(Shake in a CAN DO attitude)

This poster has been truly a surprisingly helpful reminder. In this first month of the year, I got all fired up about all the things I want to do – one of which was to start sharing these posters on our social media. But when some things didn’t go according to plan, I noticed myself getting discouraged because “it’s not going to be perfect anymore”. Though we’re still in the the early part of the  year, I almost got totally caught up in the “but it’s too late now” way of thinking that had me self-criticising and quitting before I even got properly started!

The poster made me stop and think: What if I just did it anyway? What if I just start when I’m ready to start instead of when the calendar tells me it’s the ‘right’ time? After all, the only one who will think it’s not perfect is me. To everyone else in the world not in on my plan to dominate the universe, things will look as if that’s how they were always planned to be. The poster helped me get present to just shake off the crazy perfectionist lurking in my psyche and, well, just doing things anyway. Simply because I enjoy the doing. Simply because doing something, however imperfect I may think it is, beats doing nothing hands down. And when I got to this point, I started thinking instead: What can I do differently to get things moving? How else can I get out of my own way?

It may seem unusual to have to shake myself off in order to tune into myself, but the truth is that not all the parts of me are always helpful. Some parts carry stories about how things “should” be that, well, need shaking up and shaking out if what they get me doing is quitting on myself.

What does a can-do attitude mean for you? Where do you need more of that in your life? And if your reset-modality isn’t TRE, what practice do you have to support yourself to shift focus?



If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with. 

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.

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TRE Shake Up Your Life 2023

Starting now, we want to make a greater effort to share what TRE means to us and when we do TRE to support ourselves with living life the way we want to. We find that doing TRE helps us in so many ways because, simply by carrying less tension, we have more capacity to create the experiences we want to. We particularly love that TRE is something our bodies were designed to do for helping us discharge stress in an effective way so that we can be more resilient, confident and optimistic as we go about making each day meaningful. 

With starting this series of Shake Up Your Life 2023 posts, we want to share a deck of posters that we have created for ourselves – reminders, if you will – that there are many opportunities for us to practice TRE and improve our experience of our bodies and our lives, to create new possibilities for ourselves by bringing ourselves into a more ideal state of being. While we will share what these phrases and ideas mean to us, as well as how we found the ones that we posted useful for us in the given week, we would love to hear what our little creation brings up for you. What did they open up for you? Did they get you started on a kind of creative streak like they did for us and snowball?

If you already do TRE, we invite you to share your thoughts with us about the little posters we have created: do you find TRE helpful to you in the way that we share? Is there a particular way you do TRE – perhaps in the space set up, or with particular preparatory exercises, or props you find most supportive to help you past the blockages – that helps you move and feel alive in a different way?

If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with. 

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.

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30-day Shake Journey

Sharing My Shake

It’s a little bit late for me to announce this now, but I have decided to use the 30 days of June to record a 30-day Shake Journey. I decided I wanted to do it for these few reasons: 

Personal Challenge

Many years ago, I acquired a habit of hiding because I perceived that people around me weren’t able to give me the support that I needed. What I have learnt since then is that I can support myself even if the journey is scary as heck, and it is important to affirm that by stepping out of my figurative cave. 

Intensive clearing

I have been consciously working on my old trauma for years now, finding what works well and since 2017 when I first learnt TRE® and did it 5 minutes a day for a month, I haven’t done another intensive period like that and I want to see where I can bring myself now given what I know and how much I have grown in my trust of my system and my journey.

To encourage others to live well

Everyone has trauma of some kind; trauma is not something we should try to put on a comparison scale. What a person has experienced as traumatic to them is exactly that and I want this to be my way of saying that “it’s ok to do what you need to for healing yourself because you deserve to live well and whole and happy.”

To Share Joy

Though, for me, TRE® often brings up uncomfortable feelings or painful memories, I also experience a poignant joy inside because in the process of uncovering what has been suppressed, I feel taken care of. I want my life to show that working through old things that hold us back and keep us small is worth it and can be, absolutely, moment to moment, totally and intensely beautiful.

If you are interested to be part of my journey and to see how it shapes up as the weeks go along, please do follow my series here on our TRE4Life Facebook page.  This first week I’m going rather organic – just tuning in to what comes up and seeing what my body is wanting to process from day to day – but that might change as I start experimenting with different interventions or as I receive requests from friends or viewers or happenstance! 

Is a 30-Day TRE® something you feel excited about for YOUR journey right now?
Leave me a comment to let me know!

Shake Yourself FREE to Live Whole, Well and Fully

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Fantastic First Community Shake

Inaugural Community Shake of 2021

Yesterday, we had our first community TRE® shake for this year. Last year, we ran one for every full moon, from about May till December, but the shifting days were a bit disruptive for us.

So this year, we finally settled on running them on the last Sunday of every month. This way, we can plan our dates ahead, and anyone who would like to make a regular date with us for a group shake can too!


A Cosy Group

Given the short run up time from our announcement of the event, we had a rather small turn out, which made for a very cosy start of our series. It meant we had a chance to take the time to share where we were before the shake, set intentions for what we hoped to release during the shake and also to share where we found ourselves post-shake. 

It felt incredibly safe and intimate and I think that affected the quality of shake I had myself.

We all found that we had each experienced something new or unexpected in our shake given the new context, and my shake had such a profound effect on me that I found myself knocked out an hour later! That hasn’t happened for a while!

How does your system respond differently when you do TRE® in a group to when you do your shake alone?

How the Session Ran

Our attendee was someone who hadn’t done very much TRE® previously, so I guided a short stretching session before we got into the tremoring to make sure that she could access the tremor experience. 

I was also aware of keeping an eye on what was going on with her and keeping a conversation going so that she could feel safe to speak up, and also so that she have suggestions for different things she could try during her shake.

I learned that my body was willing and able to do some pretty cool things even though my mind was also focused onward. My spine went into a flex / stretch that felt marvellous and I also experienced a heat release from my sacrum at one point. And, like I said, a hour after the shake, my system knocked me out for a good 45 minutes  It was brilliant! 

Today, my system is still in clearing mode with a runny nose, but I really felt connected with why I think having access to TRE® is so essential, and why having a routine of using it for self-care is so supportive for the wellness of our systems.


Help Us Serve The Community Better

If you would have liked to join us but found that our day and timing didn’t suit, we are open to considering a different timing or even running a different monthly group if there is enough interest. Please fill in the survey below to share your opinions with us. We appreciate any support we receive. All your responses will be kept confidential and will be used only for helping us refine our offers. Thank you!

When Would You Like The Monthly TRE® Shake To Be?


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9 Reasons We Love TRE®

So… What is TRE®?

And why do we love it so?

In my own words, TRE® is when we allow an innate mechanism in the body to discharge pent up tension and stress. The experience itself may emerge like shivers or tremoring, not unlike when it’s really cold and the body’s natural response kicks in to help warm things up. Objectively, Eric and I are keen advocates of TRE® because we have experienced that it…


1. Is 100% Organic

The process is about working with the body and what it was built to do all along, and we are all for sustained tension- and pain-relief without having to introduce chemicals or substances into our systems.

You lie down and let the tremors happen. 

No chemicals, no fancy gadgets, no expensive equipment.

Nothing could be easier.


2. Helps Build Our Inner Trust Funds

In a world and time where volatility and uncertainty are key characteristics of the circumstances we find ourselves in, It is hard for us to hang on to any sense of certainty or confidence amidst the upheaval.

Practicing TRE® allows us to reaffirm with ourselves in an entirely visceral way that we can and do take care of ourselves.


3. Is Universally Accessible

So long as you have some body, any body – most preferably, your own body – you can do TRE®.

Since the capacity to do TRE® is something already built in, if you can follow some simple instructions for the exercises – and there are modifications which any provider can suggest for those of us who are built different or who have bodies that need more gentle loving care – to help with the initial access to the mechanism, ANYONE can do it. 

I’ve seen my cat do it. And she doesn’t come when I call her name, much less follow instructions for exercises.

If she can do it, I can do it. If I can do it, you can do it. So let’s do it!


4. Empowers Us to Be Our Own Superheroes

The more choices we perceive, the more empowered we can feel, especially when we’re faced with challenging situations. And the truth of the matter is that when we have less stress, less tension and less pain in our systems – and that is exactly the effect doing TRE® has – it is easier for us to see a wider array of choices and to feel like we do have what it takes for dealing with what’s shown up in life.

Avengers: assemble…To watch me save my own day because I know I can!


5. Is A Personal Magic Carpet to A Whole New World

Not only does life look different when we are less stressed, but the experience of doing the TRE® itself opens up a whole new wonderland of self-discovery. All the movement we experience is voluntary yet managed, and when you start tuning in to how your body wants to be supported while it moves… That’s when the real fun begins!

So… Are you ready to have indescribable feelings and to be shown the wondrous place that is you, no Aladdin required?


6. Is An Ever-Ready Defence Against Stress

Though beginners are encouraged to go do a series of shakes with a group or a provider until they get the hang of how to start, stop and self-regulate, once you have those basics down, you can use TRE® any time and anywhere that you need it simply because your body is always going to be right there with you!

It helps me ground when I can see stress coming, and in times when the stress hits, it helps me take only a couple of minutes to get grounded again.


7. Is a whole lot of fun

Discovering how your body can move and all the ways it wants to move can feel a bit trippy. 

Even better when we’re doing TRE® with others and we get to see how everyone has a different tremor and they maybe even tremor in ways we couldn’t imagine… Until our bodies get inspired by what we see!

Every shake can be a unique journey all of its own – you’ll be amazed at how much you can rock your own world in just ten minutes. 


8. Reconnects Us To Ourselves and Others

The simple truth is that it is easier to be kind, compassionate and loving when we are in less pain and when we feel well cared for.

What kind of relationships would become possible if you could discover that you are capable of patience rather than tolerance, compassion rather than pity and love rather than resignation, anger or fear?

For that matter, how would you treat yourself if you had more patience, compassion and love to give? And why wouldn’t anyone want to have access to that every day?


9. Gives Us RESET Functionality

There is no reset button for life that allows us to start over when we find out where our choices have lead us.

TRE® fortunately allows us a way to help our bodies and systems to reset. By helping us discharge what the body has produced in times of stress, there is a perceivable calming impact on our emotional and mental states. 

When I’m not lugging around a wagonload of stress and upset from having had a setback, I can pick myself up and try again.

To be honest, I had a different direction in mind for this post. I was going to write about my own journey to discovering TRE® and how a mandate in our household created an opportunity for a shared life mission with Eric. I guess that story is going to have to wait for another day.

Where TRE® is concerned though: Don’t take my word for it. Find someone to have a session with. Eric and I are rolling out a whole new exciting range of different ways to start and grow in your TRE® journey, though really, all we want for anybody is simply that they start and discover for themselves this wonderful new journey. 


What new PLAY adventure have you brought yourself on lately? 


This universe is not outside of you.

Look inside yourself;

everything that you want, you already are.


Shake Yourself FREE to Live Whole, Well and Fully

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Our First Season of PlayTRE4Life Sessions

What is out there? 

The mystery of YOU, awaiting  discovery.

Are you ready? 

Have fun learning about you

I got the idea for because of a regular Provider group which Eric and I have been hosting since last year and how we always encourage each other to explore, only there is no particular system we follow. Each week, we take turns to hold space for the group and everyone brings a little something. 

It made me think: I want everyone to have a chance to explore their own systems this way. Isn’t this part of what we want to do with TRE® anyway, to learn more about how our systems work and to support it to do what it does best so that we can be the best version of ourselves? 

So then I thought: Why not?  Why not PLAY and encourage others to take time to engage in play with their own systems?

From a teacher’s perspective, play is actually the ideal learning platform. When we play, we can discover so much about ourselves because when we play, we want to explore, we want to try, we aren’t afraid to fail, and we know that even if things don’t turn out the way we thought, we can always try again. When we play, we can dare to be more open, more hopeful, more curious, more willing to be surprised.

I know that when I play, I experience all of these, and I also give myself a chance to experience the joy of simply being tremendously present to where I am and what I am doing. 

It was a great revelation to me that in this joy of being present, I feel incredibly safe. I know that I have all that I need for the moment and that, amazingly, is truly enough. And when I feel that safe, magic happens. My system opens up and shows me new things it wants to try because perhaps there is something that has been stuck a long time that I’ve been struggling to release, or sometimes there is something there which I haven’t felt willing to admit to because I’ve been afraid of being censured or judged by the worst judge of all: myself. I have experienced that the safer I feel within myself – and in play I feel very safe because I tell my inner judge to go and have a coffee break somewhere else because this is my time to be however I want to be – the more open I become to exploring and to discovering what it is I need to heal myself and to really let go of stress and tension that has been hanging about inside me.

With , I want nothing so much as for it to be a program which nurtures people’s curiosity about themselves while also being a time that they can experience as a gift to themselves because, perhaps for the first time in their lives, people might be opening to just slowing down and being with and listening to different parts of their systems that work hard every day – invisibly to us because we simply expect that it all just works – to keep us going.

I want these to be journeys of love, of falling in love with each and every part of us so that we know deeply how it feels to recognise and be integrally connected with the WHOLE of us.  

So if you’re ready to fall in love with all of you, come join me on this adventure because



What are YOU excited to discover about yourself?

2021 PLAYZone Schedule

2021 JULY Zone: Discover Breath – Breath as Resource

2021 AUGUST Zone: Recharge Hands & Feet

2021 SEPTEMBER Zone: Reset Shoulders & Neck

2021 OCTOBER Zone: Support Spine & Hips

2021 NOVEMBER Zone: Bridging Head and Heart

2021 DECEMBER Zone: BYOB (Bring Your Own Buddy) Mini-Series

All of the PlayTRE4Life sessions require that you already know the basics of TRE® and know a little about self-regulation as well as what to expect from your system after a session.

Shake Yourself FREE to Live Whole, Well and Fully

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Supporting the First Ever Global TRE® Advanced Training (Online)

Open to New Possibilities

We had an interesting beginning to the New Year. We were approached by our TRE® Trainer who is also on the Board of Directors for TRE® for All to make a voluntary contribution of our time for the TRE® Advanced Training Online which ran in February this year. The details that lead up to the request are not for me to divulge, but Eric and I thought that it would be a good opportunity to get to know more people from the TRE® community as well as to provide our support for the sharing and development of TRE®, so we said “yes”.




Learning at a run

The work turned out to be quite a bit more challenging than we had initially thought, including having to learn how to edit a website which had been set up in a way which was unfamiliar to us in addition to having to help registrants sort out payment related matters and deal with questions which we didn’t always have the answers for simply because it took time for information and decisions by the board to trickle down to us.  

I can’t speak for Eric, but it was a steep learning curve for me, especially the more technical aspects of the work. And as the course date drew closer, it seemed like everything intensified because many people were keen to attend the workshop. In the end, the initial target we had been set turned out to be modest because we had about 300 sign ups. 

It was an amazing experience to get to be a part of the bringing of the event together, and we were fortunate to have great support in terms of the people from the board whom we were able to turn to for help, as well as from the original organizers of the event when it had been planned as an on-site event before Covid-19 had forced a change of plans. 

Finally, it was time to attend the workshop itself and it didn’t disappoint. Apart from the featured speakers, Dr. David Berceli, Dr. Stephen Porges and Dr. Sue Carter, there were many other experienced TRE® community trainers and providers who stepped up to share what they had been practicing in their communities, and it was tremendously enriching to watch and listen to everyone. 

Some of my key takeaways from the whole experience include: 


The 2021 TRE® Online Advanced Training ran from 13 – 16 February this year, and we hope they will run a similar event again because we learnt so much from attending!



While it didn’t require any kind of tech genius to make it happen, I’m proud of having been able to contribute the schedule poster for the event. The coloured table below were the time zones for participants to have an easier time (hopefully) getting a sense of when the workshops would be running live for where they were.





The most important thing is
to be present to the being that is in front of you.

While there is some solid science behind our ability to co-regulate and to vibrationally affect the spaces that we occupy, there is something exceptionally powerful about being in the space of someone who has allowed you to be a witness to what they are going through and what they are processing, and it is similarly powerful for you to let them know that you see them, you receive them and you are there for them.

It is the whole WHY of my choosing to become a coach, a TRE® provider, a CST therapist;
it is part of why teaching is still a passion for me even though I want to explore teaching new things in a new way in this phase of my life.

If, right here, right now, I was present to the being in front of me, what joy, what wonder,
would I be giving myself the chance to experience?

Grounding myself by keeping the bigger picture in view.

There were so many challenges along the way, some of them technical, some of them human and some of them simply emerging from within as old things got triggered and brought to the surface to let me know they were still there.

And when at one point things had taken an unexpected turn and Eric and I were presented an opportunity to tap out, we decided that we would stick with it because of the bigger picture.

And the bigger picture that really grounded me more than anything wasn’t that the event was happening right the next week or even that if we stepped out, someone would have to scramble to fill the gap, but that these are the choices that make up the journey of our souls, all our souls together toward becoming more wise, more the versions of ourselves that we work hard every day to get closer to being. And on that journey, I wasn’t about to give up on myself or on what I knew I could do to make things happen.

What would life be if I took care to remind myself to be grounded in this knowing all the time?


What we need is to live by love, not fear

 There was a whole segment of content that was entirely about the kinds of hormones / chemicals / molecules that our bodies produce which create different kinds of effects under stress of when we are calm and open to bonding. And while I was listening I thought: how very interesting because I have been on a journey to explore how I could live more from love rather than fear and what that means, and to hear how much it shows up in our bio-chemistry – that human connection is what makes co-regulation possible and keeps people safe during TRE® sessions and helps with people feeling safe enough, supported enough to start processing what they need to process anyway. It was what makes us open to healing ourselves, and when we feel confident that we can heal ourselves, we believe even more that we can heal our communities.

Sitting and listening and then doing the TRE® shakes with the community for the sessions we managed to attend live (some of the US timings were less than ideal for us here in Singapore) and feeling that connection, that sense of community despite not really knowing anyone, it really made me wonder:
Really, is loving so hard?

What kind of a world would I be helping to create if I could just be a little more open to love today, enough to heal even a small part of myself? And what if, having experienced that healing, I perhaps come to the conclusion that I have the courage to love a little more after all?


I am grateful that we had the opportunity to participate in the way that we did, to not merely attend but to be involved in helping to bring the event together, to close the gap and to feel that we contributed to an amazing event. 

More than that, although Eric and I had already formulated the idea of , I really felt my creativity get a kick in the butt after the training: I knew better what I wanted to do and what I wanted us to be able to offer, not just to certified TRE® Providers but to all people who need some TRE® to help them heal and to help them cope, people who want to explore what TRE® – and their systems – could be. Much of the clarity that we arrived at came by way of this burst of creativity, and we are excited to move forward and bring what we have to everyone! 




Shake Yourself FREE to Live Whole, Well and Fully