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Shake Up Your Life 2023 – Shake your way to a healthy digestion.

Personal reflections for Shake 3 

Shake your way to a healthy digestion.

Tension affects my body in many ways, and one of the ways it hits me is definitely in my plumbing: When I’m anxious I can’t go; when I’m upset and especially when I’m angry, I often wind up having to go more often and the experience is…well, unpleasant in a number of ways. Hardly surprising, to my mind, given that our whole system is involved in how we ‘digest’ ideas and experiences that we encounter from day to day.

It doesn’t have to be this way, though. I’ve found that doing a shake to give my body a chance to release the stresses caused by the different kinds of upset, whether I talk things through or not during or after, supports that the physical discomfort is much reduced and my body follows its natural rhythms for digesting that support my having a sense of wellness.

The benefits to how my thought processes change to be more open to possibilities and, when I am feeling less beleaguered and threatened, more willing to be compassionate towards the circumstances of others are also invaluable. Over time, the experience that I can find a way through for myself that also supports others in what they want to create for themselves without feeling deprived in the process has helped me to develop greater resilience. I now believe that there is nothing that can happen that I cannot break down into manageable parts so that I can still create experiences that are valuable to me and those around me. I have also learned that I don’t have to let someone else’s inability to digest their own circumstances create similar digestive difficulties for me. 

What have you noticed about how tension and upset affects your body? How do you care for yourself when these symptoms show up? What have you learned from finding more self-supportive ways to bring yourself to the other side of apparent crises? 

If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with.

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.


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Shake Up Your Life 2023 – Starting something new? Shake to get set to go all out and win!

Personal reflections for Shake 02 – (Starting something new? Shake to get set to go all out and win!)

Aside from narratives I had about time and opportunity, I also have many – many – narratives about my capabilities and capacities. Or my lack thereof, really. These inner assessments and judgements and – let’s call them by their real name – FEARS actually are not reflections of the truth at all. While I am not perfect in many ways, I am not the incompetent, incapable noob that my fears would have me think I am. And it’s usually when I want to start something new that I am excited about, the fears sound louder than ever and throw at me all my memories of failure, embarrassment and humiliation. 

When the voices threaten to overwhelm me, shaking off all the tension brought on by the fear as well as residual tension from past failures or bad experiences helps get rid of the tightness in my throat that mutes me, and of the constriction in my chest that makes it hard for me to breathe deeply into my belly to resource myself and to stoke the fire of passion and conviction I know is there when I think about all the things I wish to create. 

And after the shake, in the quiet, resting moments of integration, there is a calm that shows me how the storm really is a matter of perception: It is a day like any other day. It isn’t my first rodeo trying something new or something different and I know that whatever happens, because I believe in what I do, I will find a way through; if I fall, I will find the strength to pick myself up because it is what I have done before. 

Doing TRE helps me uncover the strength I already have inside of me, to reconnect with the certainty that I want to proceed because I believe in my vision. What helps you reconnect to your purpose when things feel overwhelming? What practices do you have for giving yourself shelter when you feel like you’re caught in a storm? What reminds you that you actually are stronger, wiser and more loving than your fears would have you believe? 

If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with. 

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.

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Shake Up Your Life 2023 – Shake in a CAN-DO attitude

Personal reflections for Shake 01 

(Shake in a CAN DO attitude)

This poster has been truly a surprisingly helpful reminder. In this first month of the year, I got all fired up about all the things I want to do – one of which was to start sharing these posters on our social media. But when some things didn’t go according to plan, I noticed myself getting discouraged because “it’s not going to be perfect anymore”. Though we’re still in the the early part of the  year, I almost got totally caught up in the “but it’s too late now” way of thinking that had me self-criticising and quitting before I even got properly started!

The poster made me stop and think: What if I just did it anyway? What if I just start when I’m ready to start instead of when the calendar tells me it’s the ‘right’ time? After all, the only one who will think it’s not perfect is me. To everyone else in the world not in on my plan to dominate the universe, things will look as if that’s how they were always planned to be. The poster helped me get present to just shake off the crazy perfectionist lurking in my psyche and, well, just doing things anyway. Simply because I enjoy the doing. Simply because doing something, however imperfect I may think it is, beats doing nothing hands down. And when I got to this point, I started thinking instead: What can I do differently to get things moving? How else can I get out of my own way?

It may seem unusual to have to shake myself off in order to tune into myself, but the truth is that not all the parts of me are always helpful. Some parts carry stories about how things “should” be that, well, need shaking up and shaking out if what they get me doing is quitting on myself.

What does a can-do attitude mean for you? Where do you need more of that in your life? And if your reset-modality isn’t TRE, what practice do you have to support yourself to shift focus?



If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with. 

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.

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TRE Shake Up Your Life 2023

Starting now, we want to make a greater effort to share what TRE means to us and when we do TRE to support ourselves with living life the way we want to. We find that doing TRE helps us in so many ways because, simply by carrying less tension, we have more capacity to create the experiences we want to. We particularly love that TRE is something our bodies were designed to do for helping us discharge stress in an effective way so that we can be more resilient, confident and optimistic as we go about making each day meaningful. 

With starting this series of Shake Up Your Life 2023 posts, we want to share a deck of posters that we have created for ourselves – reminders, if you will – that there are many opportunities for us to practice TRE and improve our experience of our bodies and our lives, to create new possibilities for ourselves by bringing ourselves into a more ideal state of being. While we will share what these phrases and ideas mean to us, as well as how we found the ones that we posted useful for us in the given week, we would love to hear what our little creation brings up for you. What did they open up for you? Did they get you started on a kind of creative streak like they did for us and snowball?

If you already do TRE, we invite you to share your thoughts with us about the little posters we have created: do you find TRE helpful to you in the way that we share? Is there a particular way you do TRE – perhaps in the space set up, or with particular preparatory exercises, or props you find most supportive to help you past the blockages – that helps you move and feel alive in a different way?

If you don’t do TRE yet and if you are wanting to find out more about it, why not get in touch with us? We love sharing about TRE and other things that we do and we’re open to having a conversation with you to see if it is something that you could bring in to enrich your life with. 

Email us at:

Or drop us a text or Whatsapp at: +65 8754 0842


All the terms used in these posts are based on our personal experience and understanding. Given the nature, capacity and conditioning of our body and mind, change is something we need to be open to. So these posts about what each shake is about are merely suggestions and are, if anything for you, perhaps a great starting point. By no means are they meant to be a quick fix or solution to anyone’s situation.
