TRE Provider & Practitioner of EFT & Bowen Therapy
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
“As a child I daydreamed that I could magically heal people when they were unwell. Fortunately, while I never found a magic wand to heal with, I have found modalities that have been magical to me in my own healing journey. There are many wonderful modalities out there, but Bowen, EFT (2017) and TRE® (2019) are the ones that have worked the best for me.
Practicing these modalities has taught me some important lessons about healing:
Firstly, we are all unique individuals with varying needs.
Secondly, our physical bodies and our emotional bodies are two parts that, when working well together, allow body and soul to thrive as one.
In my personal experience, I have found that regardless of the pathway taken – whether it was that a lack of emotional well-being manifested as physical symptoms over time or if the lack of physical health made caring for emotional health difficult – one directly affects the other.
I have a particular interest in the treatment of food intolerance related ailments as for many years I had suffered various chronic health issues, particularly with food intolerance. It became a mission of mine to try out many food intolerance diets and protocols to find out what worked for me and my daughters. All of what we tried added a piece to each of our individual puzzles, providing lessons big and small and also lessons about what didn’t work for us, which itself was a valuable lesson.
Through it all, I never forgot my childhood dream of healing people. When I felt strong enough and clear headed enough I went back to study to become certified in the wonderful modalities I felt had made the greatest impacts for me. It hasn’t been as simple as I imagined as a child, but I am so happy that I have found a variety of ways to help others be their best.”
To participate in this workshop, you need to already know the basics of TRE and have attended a basic series to ensure that you know how to self-regulate and what to expect from your system after a session.
Our aim is to enrich your understanding and development of relationship with your system;
these are NOT certification programs.
12 June 2021
SG 9am to 2pm
AU 11am to 4pm
19, 26 JUNE,
3, 10, 24, 31 JULY
SG 9 – 10:30am
AU 11am – 12:30pm
Deepen Your Trust Within
Enhancing Communication with your system
using Intra-Cellular Communication and EFT
with Tammy Thiang and Joan Stanton
The most frequently asked question many ask after a session is ‘What does this part of my shake experience mean?’ and the beauty of the TRE® experience is that YOU are the one with the answers.
By learning to combine Intra-Cellular Communication and EFT with your TRE® experience, you will introduce new communication pathways for your system to tell you what your shake was about, and hear requests that it might have so that you can enhance your healing journey by caring for your system the way that it most needs.